Do You Have A Project We Can Help With?

At AspenGrove Developments, our team is as diverse as it is talented, and we have a strong group of trades people and consultants that work with us on every project. From blueprint to spreadsheet, boardroom to build site, every individual plays an essential role in bringing our customers’ homes to fruition.

1. Initial Meeting

We’ll get to know each other, and complete an in-depth pre-project assessment so we understand your lifestyle and priorities. We’ll explain how we work, help you establish a realistic budget, and discuss what we should expect of each other as your project progresses.

2. Property Acquisition/Evaluation

Whether you are selling your home, evaluating or acquiring new property, or looking for a speculative opportunity – If you’re still looking for that ideal location, this is the time we’d help you find it. If you already own land, we’ll make sure that it’s appropriate for the project you’d like to undertake.

3. Preliminary Design and Design Retainer

We’ll work with you to design and refine your AspenGrove home or renovation especially for you. You’ll be able to take a virtual tour of your home along the way using our powerful visualization software. If you need design approvals or a municipal Development Permit before going any further, we’ll take care of them on your behalf.

4. Detailed Design

Once your home has received all of the required preliminary permits, we’ll prepare the required technical drawings that will be used for final design pricing and a pre-construction estimate. You can spend as much time as you need with our designers choosing interior fixtures and finishes that complete the personalization of your home.

5. Approval of Construction Quote

Once everything’s been designed and specified to your satisfaction, we’ll review a construction quote for your approval before we actually start to build your new home. This quote is our firm commitment to you. The price will not change unless you subsequently request additional work.

6. Construction, Part One: Rough Framing

At last you’ll see your new home rise from the ground! Construction starts with site preparation, followed closely by the foundations, framing, rough-ins, insulation and drywall.

7. Construction, Part Two: Finishing

Here’s where it all comes together. We’re renowned for the quality of our finishing craftsmen, and you’ll finally get to see how they’ll transform a partially-finished shell into the completed home you’ve been anticipating.

8. Possession

Your new home is ready! We’ll schedule a pre-possession walk-through to identify any outstanding issues and to make sure you’re familiar with your home and its systems.

9. Post-Occupancy Care

We’re here to help you get the most out of your AspenGrove Home. Our service team will respond quickly and courteously to any concerns you may have as you get settled in.